Raves and Reviews – September

Cat Jarosz has been selected to exhibit in the ACCSE “Spotlight 2007” exhibit August 17 thru September 22, at Arrowmont School of Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN. Cat will also be featured in “That’s Clever” in October and May on HGTV. And, she is in the jury process for membership in CDC, too. What a busy craftsperson!

Sheryl Baker has ceramic work showing at the current American Crafts Council Southeast exhibit, Spotlight 2007, at Arrowmont through September 22.

The following Piedmont Craftsmen will participate in the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show November 8 through 11, 2007: Jennifer Heller Zurick, John Ransmeier, Lizabeth Shannon, Joanna Gollberg, Carol Owen, Madonna Phillips, and Simon Levy. What an impressive showing!

Lauren Van Hemert comes to the lobby of Artspace, Raleigh, NC this October with Beyond Neverland. Using some of Peter Pan author J. M. Barrie’s original manuscripts in her work, Lauren ‘s jewelry explores “the transitory treasures of everyday items”.

Susannah Ravenswing is having a busy and exciting fall. She is participating in the Jewelry and Metal Arts 2007 Invitational in Fish Creek, Wisconsin; delivered a Chain of Office commissioned by Emory & Henry College in Emory, Virginia (her third piece of collegiate regalia), and is featured on the cover of the Winston-Salem Journal’s Artview. The Artview article highlights the West End Association’s upcoming ARTSfest to be held in Grace Court Park on September 29.

Gini Williams, an internationally-known bead artist, will be helping out the Junior League of Asheville with a show at Next-to-New. Gini is not only a member of Piedmont Craftsmen but also Southern Highland Craft Guild, Center for the Study of Beadwork, Complex Weavers and the Bead Society of Great Britain.

Our own Billie Ruth Sudduth has been interview by Mija Riedel of San Francisco for the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Oral History Program. Her work is on permanent display at the museum’s new Luce center.


