Piedmont Craftsmen Announces New Board of Trustees

Piedmont Craftsmen, Inc. announces the election of eight new and four returning members to the Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting on November 23rd, 2014.  The Board of Trustees is elected by the supporting and exhibiting members at the Annual Meeting during the Piedmont Craftsmen’s Fair.  The Board elected 2015 Officers at the December 9th, 2014 meeting.  Terms for Officers and Trustees begin on January 1st, 2015.

The Officers elected to serve for 2015 are: Mrs. Karen Morgan, Chair; Mrs. Jennifer McCormick, 1st Vice Chair; Mr. Andrew Sachs, 2nd Vice Chair; Mrs. Amanda Blackman Phillips, Secretary; Mr. Gregory Bradsher, Treasurer; Mr. Andre Crawley, Assistant Treasurer and Mrs. Anne Howard Shelburne will serve as Immediate Past Chair.

New Trustees elected to serve are: Ms. Marvette Aldrich, supporting member, Lewisville, NC;  Mr. David Bennett, exhibiting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Dr. Kathryn M. Greven, supporting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Mr. Andrew Hayden, exhibiting member, Raleigh, NC; Ms. Tomi Melson, exhibiting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Mr. David Piner, supporting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Ms. Lisa Stewart, exhibiting member, Raleigh, NC; and Ms. Cindy Cox Wilson, supporting member, Advance, NC.

Trustees elected for a second term are: Ms. Kathy Cooper, exhibiting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Mrs. Pam Pryor Grace, supporting member, Winston-Salem, NC; Mrs. Karen Morgan, supporting member, Winston-Salem, NC; and Mr. Andrew Sachs, supporting member, Winston-Salem, NC.

They will join Trustees who are continuing to serve on the Board: Mrs. Carolyn Bailey, Mrs. Melanie Barbee, Mr. Gregory Bradsher, Ms. Lucinda Brogden, Mrs. B. J. Buckland, Mr. Jim Carpenter, Mr. Andre Crawley, Mr. Barry Eisenberg, Mrs. Janet Frazier, Mrs. Susan Freidman, Mrs. Kathy Goliszek, Mrs. Jennifer McCormick, Ms. Martina Moore, Mrs. Catherine Heitz New, Mrs. Amanda Blackman Phillips, Mrs. Pamela Saunders, Mrs. Anne Howard Shelburne, Mrs. Julia Clinard Townsend and Ms. Annie Van Every.


