craftXws: Tradition and Innovation in Fine Craft

The second in the series, Craft, Technology, Innovation, will be held on Thursday, May 18th from 5:30 till 7PM.   The Salon Series will be held at the Center for Design and Innovation at 450 Design Ave (near Salem College).  These educational events are free and open to the public.

The second panel discussion includes moderator, Betsy Towns, Interim Co-Director, Center for Design Innovation and Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts at UNCSA, an artist demonstration, and four presenters:

  • Elaine Gustafson, Curator of Collections, Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
  • John Kelly, Instructor, Digital Effects & Animation program, Forsyth Technical Community College. Story teller and artist.
  • Will Willner, Adjunct instructor, Wake Forest University, currently teaching traditional silver based and digital photography. Previously, he was on the faculty and director of photography at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
  • Mary Ann Zotto, Instructor, Art Direction, School of Filmmaking, UNCSA. Painter and artist, her works are widely collected and can be seen in several films.


  • Annie Van Every, local artist and exhibiting member of Piedmont Craftsmen, will demonstrate wheel throwing with a blow torch drying technique following the May discussion. She will explain how her raku pottery are seeded in tradition with a touch of modern technology.

