Piedmont Craftsmen is strongest when our Exhibiting Membership includes a wide range of creative voices and visions. We are committed to building a vibrant and diverse community of craft artists and collectors, and to doing everything we can to invite you in. We are open to artisans in all the major craft media, from young makers just beginning to make a name for themselves and challenging the status quo, to established artists with national and international reputations. We seek makers with a clear distinctive artistic voice, and mastery of your chosen medium. We are open to crafts artists from all walks of life, living in the US.

Piedmont Craftsmen uses ZAPPLICATION, an on-line image application platform. Our application is currently active through May 12th. Click HERE to view the 2025 application. The Selection Process is carried out by an Artist Membership Committee that changes annually, and that we work to keep as diverse as the artists we hope to attract. Staff members only participate as facilitators and advisors. If you need help with selecting work to submit, getting good images, or writing an artist statement, contact us, and we will help you make your application as strong as possible.

Those selected through the image application round are invited to take part in Piedmont Craftsmen’s Fair in November as Provisional Members. The Committee reviews the work in person before deciding which artists to invite to join Piedmont Craftsmen as Exhibiting Members, who may retain membership for life by paying annual dues. Members may take part in the Fair, the Shop and Gallery, educational programs, and Board and committee service. We do not set quotas by medium, nor do we have a limit on how many members are invited to join the guild each year.

If you have questions, you can email us at members@piedmontcraftsmen.org or call the office at 336-725-1516 for more information.




Artists Talking to Artists

Don’t you love getting inside the minds of artists? So do other artists! And Piedmont Craftsmen artists Robb Helmkamp and Erica Stankwytch Bailey do just that.   Wood sculptor and furniture maker Robb Helmkamp collaborates with Erik Wolken to make the podcast Why Make, where they interview other craft artists, often also working in wood, and investigate the source of their inspiration. Fifteen episodes of Why Make can be heard and downloaded here. Jewelry artist and metalsmith Erica Stankwytch Baily has an Instagram Live interview project, Working Knowledge. Listen to Erica talk with Piedmont Craftsmen artists and others about their processes, inspiration, and current events shaping their studio practice.  Tune in to Working Knowledge on Erica’s Instagram handle @ericasbailey, Thursdays at […]