Stephen Sidelinger

Venice, FL | Inactive

Stephen Sidelinger has used his distinctive visual language for the last 30 years to investigate topics that range from common icons, to the complexities if the human condition.  An Internationally recognized book artist, his pieces have an increased beauty in series and groupings, as well as individual decorative panels.  His media ranges from multiple gouache techniques on paper, to encaustic and embroidery.  As a devout follower of William Morris, the artist makes his images to grace people’s environments, to bring an intrigue of design and the enigmatic questions of fine art to their daily lives.  He is an artist/designer/educator/architectural colorist/textile artist/embroiderer and book artist.  He draws on these vast and varied disciplines to create his one of a kind, hand bound books of contemporary illuminated manuscripts, which are in public and private collections throughout the world.  All of his works have his distinctive personal vocabulary or visual language.  After twenty years of embroidery, his workmanship becomes finer and more elaborate with each piece.